IsolaCinema - KinoOtok » 2005 » Februar

Februar, 2005

mesečni otok, marec 2005

Ponedeljek, Februar 28th, 2005

» mesečni otok, marec 2005

Intervju in portret: Olga Oni??čenko

Torek, Februar 22nd, 2005

Olga v Izoli maja 2004

Ko se je Babica na svoji izredno uspe??ni festivalski poti meseca maja ustavila v Izoli, nam je re??iserka Lidija Bobrova s filmom poslala prav posebno darilo – glavno igralko Olgo Oni??čenko, ki je izolskemu občinstvu in gostom nemudoma prirasla k srcu. Kako tudi ne: odprta, nasmejana in strastna je v svoji resnični podobi precej??nje nasprotje ne??ni, bledi, strti Lisi iz filmskega platna. A tudi kadar Olga odlo??i svojo filmsko vlogo, ostaja enako sočutna, goreča v svojih prepričanjih in pogledih na svet. » beri dalje

Girish Kasaravalli: what is life?

Nedelja, Februar 20th, 2005

Oana Stopariu for


The biggest democracy of the world can anytime be placed on an equal position with Europe and even defeats when it comes to demography… Bollywood produces the biggest number of films in the world. Indian film production keeps the ascendant trend year after year, a possible social model proposed using the pattern of Holywood or just cosmopolitism and glamour. In such a strong competition, independent Indian filmmakers have a hard time surviving.

» beri dalje

mesečni otok, februar 2005

�etrtek, Februar 17th, 2005

» mesečni otok, februar 2005

Mika Kaurismaki: Against all odds

Ponedeljek, Februar 7th, 2005

Oana Stopariu for


The film selection at the first edition of Izola`s Film Festival was a unique combination of films with different approaches and locations. The music of Brazil, Russian or Iranian realities are some of the subjects presented alongside the retrospective of Slovenian films. Globalization, present in every corner of the world, and cosmopolitism find themselves at home in Izola, a small coastal town on the Adriatic shore.

» beri dalje

Spletna stran Kino otoka 4

Kliknite sem!

urnik in programski list kino otoka 4!

Kliknite sem! (.pdf, 660kB)

otoška priloga v primorskih novicah

Kliknite sem!

otoška galerija 2006:

Kinootok - Isolacinema gallery

otok 06 v filmih vesele kamere!

Vesela kamera 1 [.mpg, 9 Mb]

na Kino Otoku 3 so bili: