
The winner of Isola Cinema 2006: Full or empty by Abolfazl Jalili

This years audience award winner is the film Full or empty by the festival guest Abolfazl Jalili. Some of his thoughts on the genesis of his film, shared on the festival press conference in Art kino Odeon in Izola, are available in the text below.

“Longing” for Valeska Grisebach’s films

for by Oana Stopariu

With her latest film Valeska Grisebach moved further from clichés somehow expected from a young director. A second film that still avoids mainstream entertainment, a judgement already stated about her work and artisitic vision. Longing developed again the ability of thinking and breathing, as the director herself is creating strong images instead of usual kynestezic emotions.

Silvan's Cine School 2006, sunday May 28th

The Cycling Chronicle – how to find a way out


for by Oana Stopariu

Creativity by appropiation of an entire atmosphere created around a subject, this is how William E. Jones is not only presenting and reinventing the subject of his films, but chunks down from elitist concepts to simple principles as values of life. Maybe this is why for a while his work might have seemed “simple videoish”.

Why is Bill Daniel important?

for by Oana Stupariu

Each scene of his films could be excellent photo, black and white format which simply takes art in the most unexpected places. And as it has been proved that 80% of human kind is strongly visual and thinks in images, by instinct Bill Daniel is interested both in the traditional accuracy of the documentary photography and inner pictures of his characteres. Who is Bozo Texino? leads to inner strengh and freedom, losing prejudice and artificial conventions, but independence has a price to be paid and gets its followers to marginal contexts.

Isola Cinema 03 took off!

Now it's official. The festival has been launched and if there's one thing we can't complain about, it's the weather. It was actually warm, can you believe it? No blankets or any other stuff, to make up for the dropping degrees. As the preparations have taken place in the last several days, it's probably best you visit our web gallery (it's on the Slovene page, but we'll let the pics speak for themselves) to check the happenings and the team effort yourselves.

Portrait of the Anguished as a Filipino

by Noel Vera

I first encountered Lav Diaz's rather unique sensibility in Joey Gosengfiao and Lily Monteverde's Good Harvest Film Festival, in 1998. The film was Serafin Geronimo: Kriminal ng Baryo Concepcion, starring Raymond Bagatsing, a minor Filipino-Indian actor (his surname is derived from "Baghat-Singh") who plays Geronimo as a kind of Raskolnikov figure, haunted by guilt for his part in a kidnapping gone horribly wrong.

dragomir zupanc

2004 Želimir Žilnik – The Contributions to the Yugoslav Cinematographic History and Political Pornography

Directors statement