kollo daniel sanou

Kollo Daniel Sanou was born in Boro Dougou in 1949. He studied at the Institut National des Arts in Abidjan and at the Conservatoire Libre du Cinéma Français in Paris. After two shorts feature films and a documentary between 1977-1980 (Touyan Tigui, Beogo Naba, Les Dodos), Kollo Daniel made his first feature film, Pawégo (The Emigrant) in 1982. Since then he has continued to make documentaries and films, including the TV series Taxi Brousse (2000). Tasuma (2003) is his most recent feature film.


2003 Tasuma (le feu)
1992 Jigi, L'Espoir
1982 Paweogo, L'Ă©migrant

Director's statement