“Longing” for Valeska Grisebach’s films

za isolacinema.org piše Oana Stopariu

With her latest film Valeska Grisebach moved further from clichés somehow expected from a young director. A second film that still avoids mainstream entertainment, a judgement already stated about her work and artisitic vision. Longing developed again the ability of thinking and breathing, as the director herself is creating strong images instead of usual kynestezic emotions.

Silvan's Cine School 2006, sunday May 28th

The Cycling Chronicle – how to find a way out

Silvanova kino šola 2006, nedelja 28. maj

The Cycling Chronicle – how to find a way out

V vodi, v kateri se je Soga okopal, so krokodili našli novo obrežje, nedelja 28. maj

za isolacinema.org piše Gabriela Babnik

Morda nekoliko neugledno za začetek, pa vendarle: včeraj mi je poti iz stranišča v kamp, v ušesih zašumela Alijeva glasba. Samo en komad, nič več, samo toliko, da sem se opomnila: danes je (sicer res nekoliko pavšalno rečeno) izolski dan Afrike. Zjutraj in v večerni projekciji se je namreč vrtel film burkinskega režiserja Kollo Daniel Sanouja – Tasuma (le Feu). Film sem si ogledala zjutraj, da ne rečem v skoraj salonskem Art Kinu Odeon. Danielovega filma sem se sicer medlo spominjala iz Burkine.


for isolacinema.org by Oana Stopariu

Creativity by appropiation of an entire atmosphere created around a subject, this is how William E. Jones is not only presenting and reinventing the subject of his films, but chunks down from elitist concepts to simple principles as values of life. Maybe this is why for a while his work might have seemed “simple videoish”.


za isolacinema.org piše Oana Stopariu

Creativity by appropiation of an entire atmosphere created around a subject, this is how William E. Jones is not only presenting and reinventing the subject of his films, but chunks down from elitist concepts to simple principles as values of life. Maybe this is why for a while his work might have seemed “simple videoish”.

Why is Bill Daniel important?

for isolacinema.org by Oana Stupariu

Each scene of his films could be excellent photo, black and white format which simply takes art in the most unexpected places. And as it has been proved that 80% of human kind is strongly visual and thinks in images, by instinct Bill Daniel is interested both in the traditional accuracy of the documentary photography and inner pictures of his characteres. Who is Bozo Texino? leads to inner strengh and freedom, losing prejudice and artificial conventions, but independence has a price to be paid and gets its followers to marginal contexts.

Why is Bill Daniel important?

za isolacinema.org piše Oana Stupariu

Each scene of his films could be excellent photo, black and white format which simply takes art in the most unexpected places. And as it has been proved that 80% of human kind is strongly visual and thinks in images, instinctivly Bill Daniel is both interested in the traditional accuracy of the documentary photography and inner pictures of his characteres. Who is Bozo Texino? leads to inner strengh and freedom, losing prejudice and artificial conventions, but independence has a price to be paid and gets its followers to marginal contexts.

Shaji N. Karun: Satyajit Ray Memorial talk

Right before the start of the third edition of Isola Cinema, we recieved a very special message from our friend from India. It came with a special gift:

Dear friends,
I have received your information on the coming festival. It is indeed great that we work on a goal that itself is a light to remove the darkness ofour sensibility.

Shaji N. Karun

I also attach a speech delivered
at Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute
Calcutta. It expresses my stand on Cinema.

Fereydoun Hoveyda: Self-Criticism

('Autocritique', Cahiers du Cinéma 126, December 1961)

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