IsolaCinema - KinoOtok » Video on the Beach:

Video on the Beach:

Panorama: Love

Associations: prostitution, dreams, sex, intolerance

The VisitThe Visit / Ziyaret, Didem Erayda, TURKEY, 2004, 19′
What is a dream? The young woman explains her dream to her psychiatrist and her dream is like real. But then what is real? This is what the young woman is most scared of. Of confusing the dream with reality.

How I FeelHow I feel, Goncalo C. Luz, PORTUGAL, 2005, 19′
Sometime after they breakup, Sarah and George meet for the first time. George misses Sarah and wants to get back together with her. Sarah is afraid everything goes back to what it was before they split. They try again. Sarah however is not comfortable with it. George gets impatient. Sarah has no better way to define it than she already did…

Masha MomMasha Mom, Michał Bukojemski, POLAND, 2003, 35′
January 1996: Masha and Kate, two lesbians living in Moscow decided to have a baby. The prolonged medication Masha was subjected to proved futile. At one point in the second year of shooting the film the two women asked the director of the film to become the donor. How far can an artist go in creating his modest filmic work? Will Masha be able to create a family without a man?

BRČV, Barbara Kelbl, Viktor Bertoncelj, Nina Kozinc, SLOVENIA, 2004, 19′
The film is a record of five statements given by victims of violence in Slovenia: a lesbian, an African man, a Roma woman, a gay activist and an actor who played the role of a homosexual in a sitcom. It uncovers incidents that we decided to ignore, or as Michel puts it in the film: “I personally think there is nothing worse than a blind man, who has no problem with his eyesight.”

Straight AsStraight As / Sve 5!, Dana Budisavljević, CROATIA, 2004, 46′
Lidija, 37-years old today, left Croatia at the age of 19. She went to Amsterdam where she was promised a job as a waitress. As many other girls from Eastern Europe, she ended up in a window of the Red Light District. After 15 years she has come home to start a new chapter, but at home the path to a normal life is closed.

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